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Operation Enduring Deceit

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October 23, 2001

By Davy De Verteuil

A Little Reflection

Nazism was a human catastrophe that, unfortunately, had a precedent: the policy that colonial Europe applied to indigenous (i.e., non-white) people over a period of five centuries.

What Hitler did to white people had been done by other Europeans to the American Indians (60 out of 80 million were killed outright or through forced labor and epidemics) and to Africans (between 28 and 35 million were exported as slaves. Africa was robbed of 280 to 350 million of its inhabitants, since ten people had to be killed for one to be taken alive during capture by the slave-dealers.)

The Jewish myth suited everybody. To speak of the greatest genocide in history was, for the Western colonialists, to have their own above-mentioned crimes forgotten and a way for Stalin to mask his own ferocious repression. It helped the Anglo-American leaders deflect attention from the Dresden massacre (February 1945), which used phosphorus bombs to burn some 200,000 civilians alive within a few hours (no military purpose was served, since the German army was being pushed back all along the Eastern front before the lighting-quick advance of the Soviet army, which had reached the Oder by January).

It helped the United States even more, for it had just dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, resulting in over 200,000 people killed and almost 150,000 injured, doomed within a given lapse of time. Source: de la Corce, Une guerre inconnue, 535. The ends were not military but political. As early as 1948, Churchill wrote in his History of the Second World War (Volume VI): "It would be false to suppose that the fate of Japan was decided by the atom-ic bomb." The American admiral, William A. Leahy, confirmed this in his book 1 Was There: "In my opinion, the use of that barbaric weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not much use in the war against Japan." And indeed, the emperor of Japan, Hirohito, had already engaged negotiations for the surrender of his country as early as 21 May 1945 with the Soviet Union (which was not yet at war with Japan), through the intermediary of the Japanese minister of foreign affairs and the Soviet ambassador Malik. (Source: Ibid., 532. The Japanese intentions were perfectly well-known in Washington: "Leahy gave an account of the correspondence between the minister of Foreign Affairs and his correspondent in Moscow." Source: Ibid., 553.

The goal pursued was not military but, rather, political, as the American aviation minister, Finletter, admiitted. He explained that atomic bombs were used to knock out Japan before Russia's entry into war. Source: Saturday Review of Literature (5 June 1994).

In the same source, Admiral Leahy concluded: "By being the first to use the atomic bomb, [we have] stooped to the moral level of the barbarians of the Middle Ages ... This new and terrible weapon, which is used for an uncivilized war, is a modern barbarity unworthy of Christians."

Thus all those leaders, which a genuine international court made up of neutral countries would have placed with the war criminals alongside Coering and his gang, found an unhoped-for alibi the gas chambers, the holocaust, and the genocide that could justify, if not eradicate, their own crimes against humanity.

W. F. Albright, the American historian and director of the American School of Oriental Research, wrote in his De 1'age de pierre a la christien.. Le monothisisme et son evolution (French trans.: Ed. Payot 1951), after having justified Joshua's sacred exterminations in Canaan (p. 205): "We Americans have perhaps ... less right to judge the Israelites ... since we exterminated thousands of Indians in every corner of our great land, and have parked the ones that remained in vast concentration camps."

The term holocaust, applied to the same tragedy Horn the 1970s on, based on the book La Nuit (1958), and made famous by the title of the film Holocaust, shows even more clearly a specific goal: to turn the crime committed against the Jews into an exceptional event that cannot be compared. With the massacre of other victims of Nazism or with any other crime in history because their suffering and their dead have a sacred character. The Larousse Universel (Paris: 1969, 772) Isn't Panama, El Salvadore, Peru, Chilli, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Libya, Iraq Opps! I've got to stop here I don't want to over load the Mr. Public defender.

Even though Israel invaded Lebanon and killed thousands of civilians, America never threatened to bomb Tel Aviv (as it did Iraq) if Israel refused to obey UN resolutions to withdraw. A comparison of America's reaction to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait to that of Israel's invasion of Lebanon is instructive.

America's onesided foreign policy can be illustrated by the different treatment afforded Israel and Iraq.

Iraq invaded Kuwait. Israel invaded Lebanon.

Perhaps 3000 Kuwait civilians died in the initial war with Iraq. 40,000 Lebanese died from the time of the invasion through the occupation.

Iraq disobeyed UN resolutions to leave Kuwait. Israel disobeyed UN resolutions to leave Lebanon(for 18 years).

Iraq broke international conventions on chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. Yet Israel is a far greater offender, having one of the greatest stores of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons in the world.

Iraq refused UN inspections. Israel has always refused UN inspection.

For these violations we bombed Iraq. In response to Israel's crimes, America just continued to send more billions of dollars. We dropped more explosives on Iraq country in a few weeks than we had in the whole of the Second World War. We killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis including tens of thousands of civilians. Then we engaged in a blockade and embargo of Iraq that even the anti-Iraq United Nations says led to the deaths of at least 1,200,000 children and hundreds of thousands of elderly. Let those Americans who don't understand the reason for their terrorism concentrate on this shocking fact. One million, two hundred thousand children have died as a direct result of our policy toward Iraq.

Former Jewish Secretary of State Madeleine Albright called the death of 500,000 Iraqi children from starvation due to UN sanctions, "acceptable."

In 1986 Israel actually caused us to wrongly go to war and militarily attack another nation. The Mossad planted a transmitter in Tripoli, Libya and then broadcast terrorist messages in Libyan code indicating Libyan responsibility for killing two Americans in the bombing of the La Belle discothèque in Germany. 9 (It was later proven that Libya had nothing to do with the bombing) By use of this fraud, Israel induced the American bombing of Libya. American bombs wrecked havoc there.

In 1982 Israel invaded Lebanon. During their invasion and 18 year occupation an estimated 40,000 civilians died. Israel relentlessly bombed and attacked cities and villages and also many hospitals and orphanages (as documented by the Norwegian Red Cross) and devastated the ancient and once beautiful city of Beirut.

The current Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon, doesn't dare even step foot in Belgium or the Netherlands, fearing an indictment of the World Court for war crimes. Sharon is responsible for the murder of two thousand of refugees in the Sabra and Shatila camps in Lebanon.

Israel shot down a Libyan passenger airliner over the Sinai Peninsula killing 111 people. In the late 1940s the Zionists took over Palestine and drove out 700,000 people from their homes through widespread acts of terrorism. Among those events was the sadistic massacre of 254 Palestinian mostly old men, women and children at Deir Yassin. It was an especially vicious, cold-blooded massacre characterized by Jews cutting apart the bellies of pregnant women. After the bloodletting, the murderers then purposely publicized the event so as to make the people flee in panic from their homes and businesses from which they still haven't been allowed to return.

Former Israel Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, a participant in this horrendous massacre, boasted of the importance of Deir Yassin in his book The Revolt:

