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October 16, 2001

Americans Target Of Largest Media Brainwashing Campaign In History

By Lonnie Wolfe
Are you brainwashed? What about some of your neighbors, are they brainwashed? Before you answer that, let us ask you a few preliminary questions: Do you believe that the United States was struck by a terrorist attack on Sept. 11? Do think that the people behind that attack were "Arabs" and that its "mastermind" was this fellow Osama bin Laden, operating from a cave in Afghanistan? Do you believe that the way to stop terrorism is to hit them hard, to hit them at their "bases" in such places as Afghanistan, and to hit the nations who might sponsor them, like, say Iraq? CONTINUE HERE

John Maxwell
IT'S been more or less official -- as official as science ever gets: the family of man is African. Even the most die-hard supporters of the theory that modern human populations arose spontaneously in several different regions of the world have abandoned that theology. The so-called "Multi-regional" theory was used to justify theories of "racial" differences and racial superiority. CONTINUE HERE

Say what you want, but this war is illegal

Michael Mandel
A well-kept secret about the U.S.-U.K. attack on Afghanistan is that it is clearly illegal. It violates international law and the express words of the United Nations Charter. Despite repeated reference to the right of self-defence under Article 51, the Charter simply does not apply here. Article 51 gives a state the right to repel an attack that is ongoing or imminent as a temporary measure until the UN Security Council can take steps necessary for international peace and security. CONTINUE HERE

How the US got UN to sanction Terror on Afghanistan

The Bush administration has moved quickly since Sept. 11 to pay off two-thirds of the U.S. debt to the United Nations and to promote the U.N.'s key role in fighting terrorism and building a future government in Afghanistan.

After paying scant attention to the United Nations since he took office in January, President Bush is now paying $1.67 billion by the end of the year and pushing for the world body to take over "nation-building" once the U.S.-led military campaign against Afghanistan is finished. CONTINUE AND COMMENT

Blairism won't win us the war, Tony

Guardian Unlimited By Charlotte Raven
Of all the things Tony Blair dislikes about the dirty business he is now engaged in, the one that upsets him most is the fact that a war cannot be fought by people who agree with each other. The sine qua non of military conflict - a divergence of opinion so great that no common ground can be found - is inimical to the Blairite view of an argument as a breakdown of communication. In Blair's mind an enemy is a friend who hasn't read the relevant paragraph of the piece he wrote explaining why their views are wrongheaded. He doesn't accept the existence of real detractors. However firmly rooted their opinions might appear, the Arabs burning effigies of him are only behaving so strangely because they don't have access to the allied message. By this logic, the allies' most pressing job, apart from bombing shepherds and farm hands, must be the business of winning Arab hearts and minds to the cause of "enduring freedom". CONTINUE HERE

Warmongers Not Supported by Their Own Nations
TEHRAN - Although the United States and Britain have been pounding Afghanistan with bombs and missiles for the past 10 days, these countries have not yet been able to justify their attacks to the wold public. Furthermore, massive demonstrations have also been held in the European countries as well as the United States in protest against devastating U.S.-led military strikes on Afghanistan.

Following the September 11 incidents in the United States, the nations across the world expressed sympathy for the victims and condemned terrorism in all its forms. However, when the United States took unilateral military action against Afghanistan and launched its air raids on the innocent civilians in that country, the world public also condemned Washington for inflicting great harm and casualties on Afghan men, women and children, who had no part in terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. Full Article

Torn between two leaders: Bush and Bin Laden By Hafez Al Barghouthi
JERUSALEM -- A few hours before the raids of the West on Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden showed up to talk for the first time about Palestine. A few days before giving orders to launch the raids, United States President George W. Bush, too, talked about the cause of Palestine. Both bin Laden and Bush talked about the same cause - each to serve his own purpose and reasons.

But it was not so long ago that Bush did not care to discuss the cause of Palestine, instead talking a great deal about Palestinian violence and expressing understanding for Israeli terrorism. His own vice-president and secretary of state also expressed public support for Israeli assassinations and the aggressions of the Israeli occupation against Palestinian citizens (which are more dramatic than the events in the New York and Washington when one compares the population and number of victims in each case). Full Article

America fighting its Eleventh War of Expansion and Empire-Building

Pacific News Service By Franz Schurmann
America is 225 years old. From 1776 to 2001, it has waged 11 major wars. The first was the Revolutionary War against Britain (1775-1781). The 11th is the current war against Afghanistan (2001--). Ten of the wars involved foreign enemies. And even in our Civil War, foreign enemies loomed large in the background. Why so many wars? The simplest answer is expansionism. A more complex answer is expansionism and empire building.

America started its expansionist destiny when President Jefferson purchased "Louisiana" from Napoleon. That move extended its border almost to the Pacific Ocean. In its second war (1812-1814) against Britain, America secured New Orleans and thereby became the big new power in the Caribbean. Full Article

The Battlefield in the American Mind

By Mark Danner
In Afghanistan, the targets are running out. Such are the frustrations of the powerful; Joseph Conrad, writing of an African "heart of darkness" a century ago, well understood: "Once, I remember, we came upon a man-of-war anchored off the coast. There wasn't even a shed there, and she was shelling the bush. . . . In the empty immensity of earth, sky, water, there she was, incomprehensible, firing into a continent."

What "high-value targets" remained in the wasteland of Afghanistan, American warplanes have destroyed. The rabble of mullahs and seminarians known as the Taliban is fleeing the battered cities. To replace the Taliban with an enduring order, to build something where now there is nothing — that likely will require much greater power than America has shown itself to possess. To make America once again safe from terrorism certainly will. Full Article

The New Great Game: Oil Politics In Central Asia

Nursultan Nazarbayev has a terrible problem. He's the president and former Communist Party boss of Kazakhstan, the second-largest republic of the former Soviet Union. A few years ago, the giant country struck oil in the eastern portion of the Caspian Sea. Geologists estimate that sitting beneath the wind-blown steppes of Kazakhstan are 50 billion barrels of oil -- by far the biggest untapped reserves in the world. (Saudi Arabia, currently the world's largest oil producer, is believed to have about 30 billion barrels remaining.) As Bush would say, make no mistake: this is about oil. It's always about oil. And to twist a late '90s cliché, it's only boring because it's true. Full Article

President Khatami: Afghan nation doubly-oppressed today

IRNA - "The Islamic Republic of Iran is founded based on that logical message and that is why we not only condemn terrorism of all kinds, but also defend the denied rights of the oppressed Afghan nation in every possible occasion," said Khatami.

The president expressed regret that the world powers are punishng a most oppressed nation insead of the real criminals of the September 11 terrorist attack in America.

He said that the recent Afghan developments are clear manifestation of the moral downfall of the world to the deepest depths of ignorance, adding, "the Afghan nation is oppressed not only by the ignorant rulers who generate violence and present an ugly impression of Islam to the world, but also by the arpparently modern ignorant powers who are crashing that nation under their heavy air and missile attacks. Full Article


